Duct tape is one of the most useful and versatile household
items commonly found in home-hardware closets. Here are some great ideas to
turn duct tape into some clever creations guaranteed to last.
- 1. Hammock- Using several colors of duct tape and two wooden dowels, make your own colorful hammock.
- 2. Duct Tape Typhoon Pants- Stay dry this rainy season with homemade waterproof pants.
- 3. Kayak- In case you were wondering just how waterproof duct tape really is, here is a kayak made with the tape and PVC pipe to keep you afloat.
- 4. Tool box- Be the first on your block (or in your city, state, maybe even country) with a tool tote made from what is usually found INSIDE the box.
- 5. Batman Mask- Sorry its already too late for this Halloween, but you can create a wonderful Batman mask and be ready for next year.