Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Freezer- A Power Consumer
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Do-It-Yourself Energy Assessments: IDT Energy
A do-it-yourself energy assessment includes a simple walk-through of the home where you will look for problems, air leaks, and more. Keep paper with you and a checklist of the area so that you can keep track of what you have inspected and problems that you discovered. For a more extensive energy assessment, you can always hire someone to come to the home for an evaluation.
Your energy assessment should include locating any air leaks, looking at insulation, evaluating your heating and cooling units, and taking a look at your lighting. You can read up on each area to find out exactly how to evaluate your usage and your needs, and how to make improvements based on your findings.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
IDT Corporation News: IDT Energy and More
In recent IDT news, they have just announced that they are increasing the size of their board from five to size members at IDT Corporation, with the appointment of W. Wesley-Perry.
Perry has already been serving as the chairman of Genie Energy Corporation for one year. Genie Energy Corporation, an IDT subsidiary, is comprised of IDT’s interests in IDT Energy, American Shale Oil, LLC (AMSO) and Israel Energy Initiatives (IEI).
W. Wesley-Perry owns and operates S.E.S. Investments, Ltd., which is an oil and gas investments company. In November of 2007, Perry was elected Mayor of Midland, Texas where he still serves in this capacity.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Energy Changes for New Yorkers as of October 2010
Whether you use IDT Energy, Con Edison or another NY energy delivery company, you’ll want to know about these upcoming changes. There will be a new reactive power charge starting in October 2010. Customers who have a monthly demand higher than 1000 kW and power factor lower than 95% will see a reactive power charge on their bills.
One year from now, in October of 2011, this charge will also apply to customers with monthly demands higher than 500 kW. People who correct power factor by installing capacitors will have this charge eliminated.
Certainly, you should ask your power company, such as IDT Energy, about these upcoming charges and get yourself more educated about your energy needs and usages.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
IDT Energy Looks at What's New at the DOE

The Department of Energy is getting into high gear with some of the programs which are helping to develop electric cars and more advanced batteries with which to run them. The DOE hosted what was called a “Plug-In Vehicle and Infrastructure Workshop” which was attended by almost 200 interested parties and another 600 who participated on-line. The main topic of the workshop was how to speed-up the introduction of electric-drive vehicles into the marketplace. The program showed in what ways federal leadership can quicken preparation for vehicles which are hopefully going to be in car showrooms by the end of this year. The Obama Administration has dedicated almost $5 billion in loans and grants to motivate innovation, creativity, manufacturing and finally the deployment of these electric-drive vehicles.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
UNC Chapel Hill Dorm in First Place In ENERGY STAR Competion

With about three months left to the national building completion sponsored by the EPA and ENERGY STAR, the Morrison Residence hall in Chapel Hill, North Carolina is in the lead with over 19% reduction in energy usage. The dormitory building is part of the University of North Carolina, and houses 800 students. It was the leader on its campus in using solar panels, and it is the home of UNC’s Sustainability Living Learning Community.
Morrison Hall was built in 1965 and is a 10 story building housing 800 students and 50 support staff. In 2007 it was renovated with energy savings in mind, installing central air and heating to all rooms and solar panels for the production of hot water.
Companies like IDT Energy and many others are certainly interested in the creative ideas put forward by students like those at Chapel Hill.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Buildings Reducing Energy Consumption in Energy Star Contest

Different types of buildings have different energy needs and can therefore have radically different EUI numbers. For instance, a hospital which is full of equipment which is energy intensive will have a much higher EUI than an elementary school which only uses lights, heat, and other simple types of power for the people inside. So it is not surprising that a normal EUI for a hospital might be 470, while that for a school is only 169.
The ENERGY STAR competition will judge each building according to the percentage it reduces energy consumption over the course of the contest, and not the total amount of energy usage actually reduced.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
ENERGY STAR Building Competion Brings Down the EUI

The Environmental Protection Agency and ENERGY STAR are sponsoring a nationwide building competition to see how efficient a building can become over the course of one year in its use of power and its creation of waste. The 14 buildings in the contest will be measured for their EUI, energy use intensity, which describes in an easy to understand number how much energy a building consumes relative to the size of that building.
How is EUI measured and calculated?
The EUI is arrived at by finding the total energy consumed in one year, which is measured in kBtu’s, and dividing that figure by the building’s total floor space. As an example, if a school with 50,000 square feet of floor space used 7, 500,000 kBtu of energy, then its EUI is calculated to be 150. Usually the lower the EUI is the more energy efficient the building.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Going Green with Energy Companies like IDT Energy & More
One of the world’s largest solar module manufacturers, Canadian Solar Inc., just unveiled two new solar module products. Learn more about their new product offerings and the presentations that they made at the Intersolar North America in San Francisco, California at the Moscone Center.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
American Solar Challenge Highlights Importance of Solar

The American creative spirit is alive and well, as evidenced with the American Solar Challenge that just wrapped up. This annual competition challenges groups to design, build and race solar-powered cars in a cross-country event. The purpose of the event is to bring greater awareness and understanding about solar and its many applications. Way to go University of Michigan!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Cleaner Water?

Finally there may be a way to clean water that is polluted “without producing toxic byproducts.” New research by scientist from the Florida Institute of Technology has invented a compound based on ferrate (a revved-up form of iron). Following that, a chemistry professor from the institute (Virender K. Sharma) joined Ferratec, LLC to commercialize this project.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Slashing Hidden Costs from Your Electricity Bill
There are many hidden costs in your electricity bill that you may not even realize. By paying special attention to these areas in the home, you may be able to reduce your bill significantly over the course of the summer – and certainly over the course of the year. Energy companies like IDT Energy want to help you to save, and here are a few suggestions to do so.
Your refrigerator may actually be causing you extra costs. Make sure that everyone in the family knows to open the refrigerator doors only briefly and not to leave them open unnecessarily. Follow the manufacturer’s directions about the “cold” control and vacuum your refrigerator coils periodically to remove dust.
If your refrigerator isn’t frost-free, make sure to defrost it periodically. Also, plugging your refrigerator into an electronic induction motor control like the Power Planner, which is available in most home improvement centers, can help to reduce the amount of power the refrigerator’s motor uses.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Summer Savings Suggestions with IDT Energy
With the summer upon us, it’s time to start thinking about saving money on your electricity bill. If you live in a state, like NY, NJ or Pennsylvania, where electricity has been deregulated, then you should look into changing your energy supplier. You may find that some companies, like IDT Energy, offer surprisingly low rates.
There are many other quick and easy ways to lower your costs this summer, in ways that you probably won’t even feel in your day to day life. Have your air system run on fan instead of on air conditioner. Flip your thermostat to “Fan Only” to recycle air through the house. Make sure that you replace and clean your heating and cooling system’s air filters to improve their efficiency.
Small changes of this sort can make a large difference in your overall electricity bill over the course of time.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Saving Electricity in the Kitchen: IDT Energy
Most of us spend a great deal of time in the kitchen. A good portion of our electrical expenditure is done in this part of the home, and it’s important to learn key ways to save on your electrical bill in this area. Whether you use IDT Energy or another distributor, knowing how to save energy in the kitchen can make a big difference in your bill.
When you are cooking, turn on your range hood so that waste heat will go out of the home. Consider what you cook during the summer months and cut down on the amount that you use electrical appliances. Serve cold salads, deli slices and other items that don’t need to be cooked in a hot oven or stove top.
Make sure your oven door is tightly closed when in use and use the oven light to check on the progress of your items rather than opening and closing the oven door. Be sure to use a timer or a meat thermometer when cooking to save energy. Overcooked meals don’t taste particularly good, and uses extra electricity unnecessarily.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Five Quick Energy Saving Tips: IDT Energy
We all want to save money on our energy bills. Whether you’re using IDT Energy or another company, you’ll want to stay on top of your energy use and minimize your superfluous expenditures as much as possible. Here are five quick ways to stay on track with your energy spending.
1. When you wash dishes and clothes, try to do so with a full load. One full load certainly uses less energy than do two half loads.
2. To save water, make sure to only boil the amount of water that you actually need.
3. Pay attention to your water taps. Fix leaky taps and make sure that your taps are always fully turned off. A tap that is continually dripping even a small amount makes enough hot water to fill half a bath in a week!
4. Pay attention to the light bulbs that you purchase and look for the ENERGY STAR label. Energy efficient light bulbs can save you a great deal of money over the life of the bulb, and they last up to 10 times longer than do ordinary bulbs.
5. Have a home energy check done on your house. Many companies conduct these checks and they will offer you other suggestions for saving on your electricity and gas bills and will provide quick tips for saving in the home.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Electric Choice As Explained by IDT Energy
Residence of Pennsylvania are some of the first in the country to have electric choice. What exactly does this mean? In 1996, Governor Tom Ridge signed a bill into law which game Pennsylvanians the right to select their own electricity supplier. It allows citizens to select the electric generation supplier, or EGS who will supply the home with electricity.
The electric company that you use now will continue to provide the transmission and distribution of your electric service. What the choice allows, however, is for you to select the company, such as IDT Energy, Citizens Electric Company and others who will supply the electricity. This choice means that you can shop around and compare electricity prices.
When shopping for an energy supplier such as IDT Energy, you can evaluate the services and prices they offer, the use of renewable energy sources, the budget-billing plans they can offer and more.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
IDT Energy Part of Genie Energy
As of August, 2009, IDT Corporation organized its energy supply and oil share interests together into a new division, called Genie Energy. With Wes Perry, an oil and gas entrepreneur as Genie’s Chairman of the Board, this sector is comprised of IDT Energy, American Shale Oil, LLC (AMSO), and Israel.
As Mr. Perry said, “Genie Energy is developing the technologies America and Israel want to make rapid progress toward energy independence, while IDT Energy is poised for continued growth in the consumer market.”
Geoffrey Rochwarger, who launched IDT Energy for IDT in 2004, will begin to serve as Genie Energy’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
IDT Energy Salutes Earth Day 2010

It is the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day, which took place on April 22, 1970. Earth Day was originally organized by an environmental activist and United States Senator from Wisconsin, Gaylord Nelson. Earth Day was originally envisioned as an “environmental teach-in” in which many millions of people would demonstrate in support of environmental protection and awareness.
The first Earth Day had over 20 million participants worldwide. Now, 40 years later, more than 500 million people and 175 governments worldwide acknowledge and celebrate Earth Day each year.
Senator Nelson originally picked April 22 for Earth Day because he was looking for a date when colleges were still in session; no major religious holidays taking place; good weather for outdoor participation; and no final exams to interfere with student’s ability to participate.
One great way to celebrate Earth Day is to consider the possibility of “Going Green” with IDT Energy. IDT Energy offers its customers the option of choosing ‘green’ energy sources which produce cleaner air, less dependency on foreign sources for oil, creates more job opportunities at home, and increases the use of renewable energy resources. Whatever you decide, IDT Energy wishes you a healthy, clean Earth Day.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Natural Gas Usage Safety Tips from IDT Energy

IDT Energy, in addition to supplying consumers with electricity also supplies natural gas. Here are a few useful safety tips when getting the most out of your natural gas.
1. Always install gas appliances in well ventilated areas, and be sure the area remains well ventilated.
2. Keep flammable products such as sprays or oils based items far from gas appliances.
3. Never leave pots cooking on your gas stove top unattended.
4. When lighting your oven check for a gas smell before lighting the match.
5. When using your oven’s grill, leave the door slightly open.
6. If you suspect a gas leak, turn off the gas valve, call your local utility for help, open all your windows and doors, do not light matches or switch on or off any light switches or any other type of switches.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
More Easy and Fast Tips to Save Around the House

Toilet: Use the half-flush feature to save a lot of water with each use.
Instant Water Heater: Turn it on only right before use, and don’t forget to turn it off when you are done.
Sink: Use a tumbler to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth, or for shaving.
Backyard/Service Porch
Plants: Water plants with the water you already used to wash your vegetables.
Backyard Tap: Keep it turned off when not in use, and be sure it is tight to prevent drips or leakage.
Washing Machine: A machine using 300 watts consumes about 6.86¢ of electricity per hour of use. Run machine for fully loaded runs whenever possible.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Quick Money Saving Tips Around the House

In the Living Room
Fan: A 75 watt fan costs about 1.72¢ per hour of use. Turn if off when you are not in the room.
Television: Your TV consumes about 4.57¢ each hour that it is on. Remember to close down when not watching.
Lamps: Each 40watt lamp uses 0.91¢ every hour. Try the new energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs or halogen bulbs to save energy and money.
Spit Unit Air Conditioner: A 750 watt unit costs about 17.15¢ to use every hour. Keeping the filters clean and turning off when not in use can save a lot of energy.
Refrigerator: A refrigerator with a nominal rating of 200 watts uses electricity at a rate of 4.57¢ per hour. Choose a new fridge carefully so that you get the right size for your family. Check all the gaskets and hinges for leakage, and keep the thermostat set to the right temperature.
Stove top: Boil water or cook food whenever possible with the lid on top of the pot. Water boils faster and food cooks more efficiently with the lid on. Once food has boiled keep on simmer to use minimum amount of energy to cook food.
Sink: Save water by washing veggies and fruit in a sink filled with water instead of continuously running the water.
Countertop: Let frozen foods defrost on the countertop instead of using warm water or the microwave.
Monday, February 22, 2010
IDT Energy Brings Clarity to Electric Usage

There is no difference in the amount of energy a 240 volt appliance uses compared to the amount of electricity a 120 volt appliance uses. The reason this is true and you do not pay more to run a 240volt device than a 120volt device is because the electric company only charges for watt-hours and not voltage. Watt-hours are calculated with the formula “volts X amps = watts.” The higher the volts, the lower the amps. Twice and many volts require half as many amps, thus keeping the wattage usage the same.
One last myth to debunk is the notion that some people have that some electrical wiring problem can cause “leaking” of the electricity out of the wires, thus “wasting” the electricity, kind of like a leaky pipe will waste water if water leaks out and is not used. This is also not true, and it is very easy to check. Just unplug everything in your house. Be sure to also unplug appliances which, even though they are not in use still use electricity in stand-by mode, such as microwaves, stereo systems, TVs and lots more. When you are sure everything is unplugged go look at your meter. It won’t be turning around, indicating that you are really not using any electricity, and there are no “leaks.”
Monday, February 15, 2010
Electric Myths Debunked by IDT Energy

For many people the electricity we live and work with constantly is a mystery, and we are constantly hearing what to do and what not to do to stay save and to save money. Here are a few questions which you may have had concerning electricity and its usage.
Are you the kind of person that always turns off lights when not needed? Has anyone ever suggested that it is better to leave on a light than to turn it on, as the power “surges” when you turn on the light? This is absolutely false and you should know that it is always more efficient to turn off a light, even if you are planning on turning it on again soon. This same fact applies to all other devices and consumer electronics, including computers. Most devices don’t have a surge, and even if they do, the amount of electricity from that surge is so small that it is completely insignificant.
How about keeping an air conditioner on all day to keep your house cool, rather than letting the house warm up when you are not there and cooling it down when you arrive? It is certainly better to turn of the ac when not at home, and even cooling down a hot house uses less electricity than keeping the ac on all day. But even better yet would be to install a programmable thermostat which will turn off the ac when you are not there and turn it on again when you are due to return home. A great way to stay comfortable and save money, too.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Groundhog Says More Winter on the Way

Word is out that Punxsutawney Phil, the famed groundhog who predicts the weather when he either sees or does not see his shadow on February 2nd of each year has seen his shadow this year, foretelling six more weeks of winter for the eastern United States.
This means that in New York, where IDT Energy supplies electricity and natural gas to customers throughout the area, people can be expected to continue to use large amounts of electricity to heat their homes for at least six more weeks. This is a great time to examine your home for any obvious places where cold air is getting in and warm air is leaking out, and weatherizing those spots with weather stripping. Take special care to check around doors, window frames, attics and basements.
How accurate are Phil’s predictions? Well, according to carefully kept chronicles, Phil has seen his shadow 99 out of 114 observations, predicting six more weeks of winter weather. When we compare this with the actual weather according to the Stormfax Almanac, Phil is correct only 39% of the time. But considering that predicting the weather six weeks in advance is hard even for the most “weathered” of weathermen, maybe Phil aint doin’ too bad.
Dont wait six more weeks. IDT Energy urges you to insulate your home today and start saving on your energy bill.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Thermostat Use Tips
When you’re ready to save money with a programmable thermostat, there are some important tips that you should know. IDT Energy wants to make sure that you are saving as much as you can, and these tips should help with that goal.
First, take a look at the various programmable thermostats before you make your decision. There are a number of types of programmable thermostats so make sure to take a look at the various choices and get ot know more about energy saving features.
Your programmable thermostat will work better if installed properly. Make sure to have a certified HVAC contractor install it for you so that it will work properly and safely. Make sure to read how to properly set the thermostat to achieve the most savings.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Get More From Your Washer

While we are on the subject of dryers, IDT Energy believes that there are more things that can be done to cut your laundry bill, which involves investing money, but in the long run will be well worth it.
Whenever possible consider purchasing an Energy Star washing machine. These highly efficient appliances use up to 50% less energy and 40% less water per each load. You can expect to save as much as $113 in a year.
Look for a great little extra with your new washer, a mini-basket. This basket fits over the agitator and is capable of handling extremely small loads of laundry in a water use efficient manner.
Choose a washing machine which suits your needs and that of your family. A young couple with no children does not need the same size washer as a large family with four or five children. Energy Star washers come in many sizes so you can pick the most energy efficient washer for you.
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Dryer Tips from IDT Energy
• Do you always clean the lint filter on the dryer before starting a new load? Do it! Your dryer works much more efficiently when that little lint catcher is clean.
• Does your dryer have a moisture sensor which automatically knows when the clothes inside are dry? If so, then use it. This is another way to let the machine do what it was designed to do at its best. It is estimated that using this setting can save 5% on your electric bill.
• Always dry clothes of similar types together. For instance, light, silky blouses or permanent press shirts should not be dried with towels. Do those bulky, hard to dry towels by themselves. Also denim jeans, and other heavy items should go together, and easy to dry, easily wrinkled garments should also be together.
• Keep the exhaust pipe clean. If it’s stuffed with lint the dryer can’t work at its peak efficiency, and in the worst case it could be a fire hazard.
• What, it’s a sunny, warm day and you’re using your dryer? Tsk, tsk. Line drying is a great way to use solar power without the aid of an expensive appliance. All you need is a rope and some clothespins. Get out there and start hanging those clothes!
IDT Energy is here to help you save money while saving energy.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Energy Effeciency From IDT Energy

Did you know that the IDT Energy web site has a resource center with lots and lots of useful information to help you save energy, and in the process save money, too.
For instance, I came across a really handy page which claims to be “the first web-based do-it-yourself energy audit tool.
All you need to do is enter your zip code into a box on the home page, and then you are transported to another page which shows a bar-graph comparing how much money is spent on energy in an average home in the zip code you selected, compared to the amount spent on energy to run a home which is energy efficient.
The bar-graphs divide the expenses into costs for heating, cooling, water heating, major appliances, lighting and small appliances.
Then you can customize the answers to fit your exact situation by filling in a questionnaire which can help you decide if you should upgrade by giving you how much it will cost and how much you can expect to save.
A pretty neat tool, I think. Go give it a try and see if you could be saving oodles of money on your energy bill.