In the Living Room
Fan: A 75 watt fan costs about 1.72¢ per hour of use. Turn if off when you are not in the room.
Television: Your TV consumes about 4.57¢ each hour that it is on. Remember to close down when not watching.
Lamps: Each 40watt lamp uses 0.91¢ every hour. Try the new energy efficient compact fluorescent bulbs or halogen bulbs to save energy and money.
Spit Unit Air Conditioner: A 750 watt unit costs about 17.15¢ to use every hour. Keeping the filters clean and turning off when not in use can save a lot of energy.
Refrigerator: A refrigerator with a nominal rating of 200 watts uses electricity at a rate of 4.57¢ per hour. Choose a new fridge carefully so that you get the right size for your family. Check all the gaskets and hinges for leakage, and keep the thermostat set to the right temperature.
Stove top: Boil water or cook food whenever possible with the lid on top of the pot. Water boils faster and food cooks more efficiently with the lid on. Once food has boiled keep on simmer to use minimum amount of energy to cook food.
Sink: Save water by washing veggies and fruit in a sink filled with water instead of continuously running the water.
Countertop: Let frozen foods defrost on the countertop instead of using warm water or the microwave.