While we are on the subject of dryers, IDT Energy believes that there are more things that can be done to cut your laundry bill, which involves investing money, but in the long run will be well worth it.
Whenever possible consider purchasing an Energy Star washing machine. These highly efficient appliances use up to 50% less energy and 40% less water per each load. You can expect to save as much as $113 in a year.
Look for a great little extra with your new washer, a mini-basket. This basket fits over the agitator and is capable of handling extremely small loads of laundry in a water use efficient manner.
Choose a washing machine which suits your needs and that of your family. A young couple with no children does not need the same size washer as a large family with four or five children. Energy Star washers come in many sizes so you can pick the most energy efficient washer for you.