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Friday, October 11, 2013

DIY Energy Audit: Light Switched & Outlets

You remember to turn off lights every time you leave a room. Good job! But are you letting warm air escape through the outlets and light switches?

Save on energy, diy energy audit, idt energy

A professional energy audit is helpful, but expensive.  Our multi-part series on how to perform your own energy audit will save you money on the audit and on your monthly energy bills.

Your thin metal or plastic plate doesn't stop much in terms of air loss. Without insulation, these outlets are merely big holes in the wall.

How to identify a leaky light: Remove the plate from the wall. Cover the opening with a single ply of tissue and affix it to the wall with painters tape - just at the top. If the tissue billows - you have a leak.

How to correct a leak: A precut foam gaskets is only about 10 cents from a home stores. Just place the gasket over the opening and cover with the plate.

The leakage caused by light switches and outlets accounts for about 2% of your heating and cooling bill.  With that savings but the IDT Energy savings you could save up to 12% on your annual energy expenses.

Check out the other posts in our DIY Energy Audit seris: Drafty Window, Fireplace Energy SuckerCold Water Heater  and Leaky Ductwork  for more helpful tips. Plus go to the IDT Energy Facebook page for energy saving tips and tricks.

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