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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Vacation Energy Saving Tips

Hitting the road this Labor Day? Here are some ways to save on your energy bill while you are away.

  1. Unplug all electronics not in use like your TV and coffee maker. Avoid paying for phantom electricity.
  2. Turn your hot water heater to 'vacation mode.' 
  3. Turn off your Air Conditioning or set it at 85 degrees.
  4. Power down all computers.
  5. Refrigerators use less electricity when they are full - fill them with water jugs. 
  6. Adjust the thermometer to a slightly warmer setting. 
  7. Close all of your blinds to keep the cool air in and the warm air out.
  8. Install timers for your security lights and turn off everything else. 
  9. Don't for get to read the meter when you leave and when you get home! See the energy you saved and detect if you have any hidden energy wasters.
Have fun on vacation!

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