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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Lemontricity - Electricity by Lemons

Did you know that even a lemon can generate electricity? Lemontricity! So next time your electricity is out, look towards your fruits and vegetable - like a potato!

IDT Energy, electric, energy, lemon
Lemons are an acidic fruit. It can dissolve metals and make ions, which in turn add (or give off) electrons. Lemons act as the facilitator for copper and zinc to create electricity. Zine becomes negative as it dissolves inside the lemon to make ions while copper becomes positive. The copper then collects the positive, hydrogen ions. These are all key factors in how electricity is generated.

Here are the steps to make your own Lemon Power:


  • Copper wire (18 gauge) 
  • Wire clippers
  • 2-inch strip of zinc/lemon (or metal paper clip straightened)
  • Course sand paper
  • Lemon(s)
  • LED light bulb
  1. Use a 2 inch strip of copper wire and strip the insulation off
  2. Smooth any rough spots on the ends of both pieces of wire with the sand paper
  3. Roll the lemon on a table as to loosen the insides without breaking the skin of the lemon
  4. Push the copper and zinc into the lemon as close as you can without them touching
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each lemon
  6. Connect the lemons together positive to negative (zinc to copper) with the copper wire.
  7. Connect the LED light bulb to the two electrodes with copper wire.
  8. Connect the wire that sticks out of the light bulb on the flat side to the zinc from the lemons.
  9. Connect the wire that sticks out of the light bulb on the round side to the copper from the lemons.
The more lemons you connect the stronger current the lemons will produce. But note: Lemons are not the next alternative energy. You won't save money on your electric bill by using lemons - they don't produce much!

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