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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Energy from Beer?

We've covered some creative ways to generate energy - potatoes, foot stepsalgae and even garbage.  But how about from beer?

alternative energy supply, electric supply

One for me, one for the light bulb.  No don't cry, we aren't really suggesting you give up a nice cold brew just to power your light bulb!  But the waste product from beer is powering some beer factories.  Beer making beer.

A number of beer factories across the globe are utilizing the grain waste by-product to generate enough power to operate their factory from. While there are many variations on the actual process, by burning the excess grain, the boiler is able to create steam which in turn creates electricity.  They are using this technology in Alaska, Germany and even the Magic Hat factory in Vermont!

IDT Energy renewable energy is not from beer we do source credits from other renewable energy. If you are interested in green energy supply,  IDT Energy can help!

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