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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Energy Efficiency Road Trip Style

Did you go on a Memorial Day road trip? Have any exciting trips planned for the summer?

IDT Energy, Energy Savings, Energy efficient, save on energy

In addition to taking steps to make your home energy efficient, IDT Energy wants to help you make your car energy efficient. All these steps lead to real savings on energy bills!

  1. Keep your tires inflated. Proper inflation can lead to a savings of around $61 a year!
  2. Use the correct oil. Using the wrong product reduces efficiency and can waste up to $40 annually.
  3. Get your junk out of the truck. Reducing the weight of your vehicle reduces efficiency  An extra 100 lbs  can add up to $40 a year.
  4. Keep the speed limit. Going over 60 mph reduces your gas mileage and can add up to 31 cents per gallon. 
  5. Put it on cruise control. Staying at a steady pace which helps save money.
Have fun on your road trip and save on your annual energy costs.

Of course, one easy way to save is to sign up with IDT Energy!

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