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Thursday, May 30, 2013

With all of the rain coming down in the Northeast, it looks like Niagara Falls is right outside the window’s at IDT Energy.  Wouldn't it be great if someone harnessed all of this energy and transformed  it into electric supply?  Oh wait – someone has! In fact, if you live in NYS you can choose to have 100% of your electricity supplied from IDT Energy’s hydro power.

How does hydro power work?

IDT Energy Green Electric is a 100% green solution generated from local hydroeletric plants

Water power is generated from the energy of falling water and harnessed for usefully purposes. It can be derived from waterfalls and rivers.

Of course you could also be harvesting all of this water for your garden!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Energy Efficiency Road Trip Style

Did you go on a Memorial Day road trip? Have any exciting trips planned for the summer?

IDT Energy, Energy Savings, Energy efficient, save on energy

In addition to taking steps to make your home energy efficient, IDT Energy wants to help you make your car energy efficient. All these steps lead to real savings on energy bills!

  1. Keep your tires inflated. Proper inflation can lead to a savings of around $61 a year!
  2. Use the correct oil. Using the wrong product reduces efficiency and can waste up to $40 annually.
  3. Get your junk out of the truck. Reducing the weight of your vehicle reduces efficiency  An extra 100 lbs  can add up to $40 a year.
  4. Keep the speed limit. Going over 60 mph reduces your gas mileage and can add up to 31 cents per gallon. 
  5. Put it on cruise control. Staying at a steady pace which helps save money.
Have fun on your road trip and save on your annual energy costs.

Of course, one easy way to save is to sign up with IDT Energy!

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Is Your House Ready for the Summer? Make it Energy Efficient!

Right now is a perfect time to save on energy! The heat is off and the AC hasn't been turned on yet.

It's also a great time to start preparing for the summer - keeping your energy bills low by conserving energy.

Here are IDT Energy's top 5 energy efficiency tips to get ready for the summer:
  1. Change the filters once a month.  Don't make your A/C work harder than it has to. Pushing air through a dirty filter takes more energy; plus, who doesn't want clean air!
  2. Install a programmable thermostat.  You have heard this one time and time again. So why are you waiting? Your couch and favorite lazy chair don't need to stay cool while you are busy at work. And who has time to remember to adjust the temp when you are running out of the house barely remembering to put shoes on! Set the thermostat to automatically adjust.
  3. Clean the condensation lines.  Keeping this clean of sludge and debris is important to maintain the efficiency of the AC unit.
  4. Check that the condenser (unit outside) is level.  If the cement pad that the condenser sits on outside is not level the machine has to work harder.  That means you have to work harder to pay those energy bills!
  5. Clean the condenser.  While you are outside making sure that the condenser is level, make sure it's free of any debris. Debris blocks air flow, making the unit work harder.
Looking for more energy saving tips? Check out IDT Energy's Facebook and IDT Energy's Pinterest.