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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Energy-Efficient Homes

One way of saving money on utility bills is when purchasing a property, to seek out efficient, net-zero homes. Today, these are substantially dropping in price. For example, the first net-zero home to be built in Buckeye, is owned by the Ploesers who now enjoy substantially lower utility bills. What this means is that everything in and out of the house is energy-efficient as well as energy-saving items built into the home. This makes a huge difference as, until now, these items have been added on. When it is within the actual building, the savings one makes will be much bigger.

How It Works

These net-zero homes use the sun when it’s shining to create even more energy than one would ever need for their home. This means the utility meter goes backwards and actually earns credit. When the sun goes down, at night, when one needs energy and the sun isn’t shining, that credit can be used. Ultimately, in the winter therefore one can make money and it can be used for the summer and their utility bills will still remain low.
So these homes – that at one point were quite costly – are now seriously worth considering for their affordability, environmental-friendliness and utility saving strengths.

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