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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Winter is Coming: IDT Energy Says Its Time to Get Ready

Here we are watching the days shorten, leaves fall, sun loose some of its warm luster and taking our winter things out of mothballs. IDT Energy is getting ready for winter by sending you some simple but practical and effective ideas to save money and energy while staying toasty warm all winter.

1. If you have a forced-air HVAC heating system then it most likely has a simple filter in the ducts near the furnace. It is important to change this filter every few months to maintain efficient and clean operation. When your furnace is working overtime during the winter this bit of maintenance can become an extremely important to lower your energy bill. The filters are inexpensive and pay for themselves in energy savings in no time.

2. Does your home leak some of the warm air that you spent so much money to heat? Seal up those leaks in your walls and windows, even small ones, with weather-stripping, caulk and other insulating materials, and you will find not only is your house warmer, but your energy bill is also lower.

3. Maybe it’s time for a new furnace? If it’s as old as or older than your teenage children it might save you lots of money to replace it with a new “Energy Star” furnace. The sooner you begin saving on your energy bill, the sooner your new furnace will pay for itself and start saving you lots of money.

4. Ready to change your light bulbs? We use more artificial light in the winter. The more efficient the bulbs you use, the less energy you use and the more money you save. Consider switching to compact fluorescent bulbs for the most efficient artificial lighting solution.