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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

IDT Energy Presents: Stay Warm in Winter Without Busting the Bank

Everyone loves winter in New York, but it can be a challenge to your budget to keep warm all winter. IDT Energy has some easy to implement energy saving ideas to get you and your bank account comfortable through the winter.

1. Because most homes are heated with appliances that are fuel-fired, the greatest cost comes at start-up and shut-down. A programmable thermostat helps you maintain constant temperatures or gradual increase and decrease of temperatures. Set to cooler temperatures at night, and begin heating even before you wake up. You will be warmer during the day and save money too. For the most efficient heating, get a programmable thermostat.

2. Set your thermostat to a lower temperature. You won’t feel the difference of just a few degrees, but you will notice it in your monthly fuel bill, which will be substantially lower. Each degree Fahrenheit that you lower the thermostat you can expect a 3% savings on your energy bill. A comfortable daytime temperature for your thermostat is 68 degrees, and about 5-8 degrees less at night during sleep. When spring comes around again you’ll be glad for the money you saved.

3. Did you know that warm air rises and cold air sinks? You can use this principle to circulate the warm air that is stuck to your ceiling down to ground level, by reversing the direction on your ceiling fans. Most fans have a switch to reverse the direction it spins. In the summer make sure the lower part of the paddle goes first around the fan to draw the air up. In the winter flip the switch to push the warm air down.