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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Google Plug-Ins Get Great Mileage

As a supplier of electricity, IDT Energy is interested in the latest trends in the development of improved electric car technology. Here is an interesting item from something has been up to lately. is the organizational arm of As such they are committed to improving the world in many different ways. One of those ways is a initiative to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce the use of oil, encouraging greater use of plug-in electric cars in order to stabilize the electric grid.

In Mountain View, California, Google headquarters, there is a fleet of demonstration vehicles to run experiments with and compile data on how well these cars can do.

During a recent experiment Google asked some of their employees to drive these cars for seven weeks and see how they did. They observed an average of 93 mpg for all trips, and 115 mpg for trips just in the city. Remarkable!

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