IDT Energy is a leading Energy Service Company (ESCO) in New York State, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Illinois. We help customers understand their power to choose energy and renewable energy suppliers. Our services include electric, green electric and natural gas power.
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
IDT Energy News
IDT Energy announces the introduction of its new e-marketplace store. promises to be a leading provider of value-added products and services on the internet.
Currently we are offering solar energy products, thermostats, filters.
Coming soon are many more products and services for our customers. Check us out daily for news and SPECIALS!
IDT EnergyStore is wholly owned and operated by
IDT Energy is an Energy Service Company (ESCO) that has been approved by the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) and by your local utility to sell electric and gas supply services to residential & business customers.
IDT Energy, a wholly owned division of IDT Corporation. IDT Corporation is a Fortune 1000 company founded in 1990. With growth based on similar deregulation of the telecommunications market and sound financial management principals, the 2003 fiscal year revenues exceeded $1.8 billion, cash resources are over $1 billion and IDT has no bank debt. We have developed a successful and financially stable business model that provides excellent support to our expanding customer base.
Friday, October 27, 2006
New Store Front!
We are excited to show our new e-storefont. Check out -- your e-marketplace for all your energy and product needs.
Let us know what you think --- Write to us here on the blog.
How much energy are you burning....?
Did you ever think to measure how much energy your legacy
appliances are using? Maybe it's time you purchased a
Kill a Watt Power Meter --
Only $32.99 -- Available NOW while supplies last:
appliances are using? Maybe it's time you purchased a
Kill a Watt Power Meter --
Only $32.99 -- Available NOW while supplies last:
Alternative Energy Savings!
We are pleased to now offer solar and alternative energy products to our preferred customers.
Check us out at:
Don't forget that we still also offer great deals on thermostats:
And our filters are priced one of the best in the industry:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Winter is coming!
It's getting colder... Need to start that furnace soon! (If you haven't done so already)
Did you clean and change the furnace filter yet?
If not, look at these great prices on furnace filters!
Need a new thermostat, but you don't know how to change it?
Look at this DIY Video from
Buy your new Honeywell digital 8000 thermostat at:
Friday, October 20, 2006
New Products and Future Growth
Green Energy and Energy Conservation are on everyone's minds
these days. Many have been asking us about what else we can
do to protect our environment (and our pocketbook).
We are very excited to add new products in the coming week to help
you further save money and energy.
Meantime, have we checked your furnace? Don't forget to replace
the filter BEFORE the heavy winter begins.
Buy our Lennox furnace filters at:
Also, don't forget your thermostats!
One lucky customer, Mike, went and bought 6!
For the few dollars upfront he will save hundreds and hundreds!
Way to go Mike!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Save on your energy costs -- program your thermostat
to lower automatically in the evening and night and raise in the morning.
Your thermostat isn't programmable?
Buy new! Amazing savings --->
Filter your home
Winter tuneup!
1. Check and change your furnace filter.
Amazing savings, right now!
2. Check and change your airconditioner filter.
Amazing savings, right now!
Why? They are the single largest collection of dust, dirt, mildew. Remove all the pollutants from your home.
Use not just GREEN energy, but GREEN Air!
Try them -- it's you and your family's health!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Green Energy? Will it really work?
Look at how a single manufacturing plant is 100% self-sufficient.
Watch this with your children. Unbelievable!
Our European colleagues are ahead of us.
Let's buy green. Call us for pricing and information.
(We don't post on the web -- pricing is only the most updated
only live on the phone)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
New Website
Have you seen the new IDTENERGY website?
Check it out at:
While you're out winterizing.... Did you know that one of the FASTEST ways to SAVE on Energy costs is to replace your old thermostat with a new digital one? Check out the latest BEST prices
on the Honeywell 8000 at:
Did you replace your filter for your furnace yet? Experts strongly recommend replacing the
furnace filter in time for the winter -- maximize on the performance of your furnace! Why spend more on heating? Buy it now at:
Check it out at:
While you're out winterizing.... Did you know that one of the FASTEST ways to SAVE on Energy costs is to replace your old thermostat with a new digital one? Check out the latest BEST prices
on the Honeywell 8000 at:
Did you replace your filter for your furnace yet? Experts strongly recommend replacing the
furnace filter in time for the winter -- maximize on the performance of your furnace! Why spend more on heating? Buy it now at: